Your Worst Day or Your Best Day? by Joan Kent, PhD


You know how people are stuck on sugar but afraid to stop eating it?


Well, what I do is make quitting sugar easy, painless, and even enjoyable.


Come back with me to my sugar-eating days, which started when I was a kid and didn’t end until the early 1990’s. I was working in an office and had eaten something sugary in the break room at about 4:00 pm.


At 5:00, I left the office to drive home. My route took me on the freeway. It was still daylight; the roads were dry and clear.


About 7 miles before my turnoff, I fell asleep at the wheel and started moving into the lane next to me at high speed. I woke up suddenly and jerked the car back to my lane, but went into a spin and crashed into the guard rail on the left side of the road – facing the other way.


My car had been totaled, but amazingly, no other cars were involved in the accident.


The cop who arrived on the scene asked if I’d been drinking. I told the truth:  I don’t drink. He still made me get out of the car and stand on one leg to prove I was sober, then did that flashlight thing in my eyes to check for drug use.


Your Mindset Tip 

“What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • Set your standards.
  • Raise the bar.
  • Do what you need to do to get over it.
  • Find someone to make it easy.


I passed the cop’s tests, but the accident was a scary (and expensive) lesson. If it had any upside, it’s the fact that I began researching what was going on with me and sugar. Along the way, I learned a lot about sugar’s effects on both brain and hormones and became an expert in the subject.


As an expert, I’ve helped many people with sugar addiction, weight loss, anxiety, diabetes, hypertension, high triglycerides, and inflammatory conditions. I’ve helped many athletes improve performance. I’ve helped them do these things easily.


And I can help you. You’ll have the benefit of my expertise and my personal experience with quitting sugar and getting things back on track. Just visit and grab your free Empowered Eating Consult. Discover how easy it can be to reverse your health problems and mood issues, and blast your energy.


Brought to you by Dr. Joan Kent, best-selling author of Stronger Than Sugar:  7 Simple Steps to Defeat Sugar Addiction, Lift Your Mood, and Transform Your Health.