The Biggest Time Waster in Quitting Sugar by Joan Kent, PhD

Have you ever felt “stuck” on sugar? Ever described yourself as addicted to it? Have you wanted to quit sugar for some time but had trouble getting around to it?


When it comes to quitting sugar once and for all, the biggest time-waster is … waiting till you feel ready.


What Stands in Your Way?


Maybe you’ve used sugary foods to handle stress. It’s not embarrassing. Many of us have done that.


But it’s self-perpetuating.


Knowing, even fearing, that stress will show up — and not wanting to quit in case it does — virtually guarantees you’ll stay stuck. Even if it’s not conscious, you’re planning to use sugar to handle the stress.


That’s a never-ending battle! Stress will always be there. So will sugar. This is the US, after all.


Why Quit Sugar Now?


The sooner you quit, the sooner your brain chemistry and your blood glucose will be more stable.


Stable, you think, what’s so great about that?


As unsexy as stability may sound, it’s great because it will help you react less to any given stress in the first place.


Tip from a Top Endurance Coach


My endurance coach — the late, fantastic Jim Karanas — had much to say about the pain of hard training. One point he frequently made was, “It’s not that the pain goes away, but you become less reactive to it.”


This applies to stress. “Less reactive” is a perfect place to be when stress shows up — just as it is when the pain of tough training comes upon you. Jim would also say, “It’s not that it doesn’t hurt, it’s just that it doesn’t matter.”


You can also create that less reactive state of mind if you stop procrastinating on quitting sugar.


Imagine being unruffle-able when stressed. How perfect does that sound? Being off sugar can help make that happen.


A Get-Started Tip for You


Start by eating protein with absolutely everything you eat. Make sure the protein is REAL protein:  shrimp, crab, chicken, fish, eggs, Greek yogurt with 18 or more grams of protein per serving.


If you don’t eat animal products, use plant-based protein powders. Avoid protein imposters like nuts or quinoa. Don’t expect the small amount of protein in leafy greens or other vegetables to do the trick for you. The brain needs more help here. Really.


Never cheat your brain of protein when you’re trying to quit sugar.


Protein won’t make stress go away, but as a brain chemistry builder, it’s a good first step in helping you become less reactive to stress.


May I send you something to help you quit? Just visit and grab your free copy of “3 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Trying to Quit Sugar.” It’s on me.


Brought to you by Dr. Joan Kent, best-selling author of Stronger Than Sugar.