Positive Attitude: Necessary or Just a Cliche? by Joan Kent, PhD


The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood. – Voltaire


Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life…. – Kahlil Gibran


You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind. – Joyce Meyer


I think I can. I think I can. – The Little Engine That Could



How often have you heard thoughts of this kind? They’re offered up as recommendations, even requirements, virtually everywhere.


Yet when it comes to getting things done, I’ve reached the point of sometimes considering positive attitude irrelevant.


As an example, toward the end of my master’s program, I wanted to graduate by a specific date, and there was pressure on me to do it. A couple of my committee members were leaving permanently when the school year ended. I had also run out of money to pay for school.


But I NEVER believed I could graduate on time. There was far too much to do and far too little time to do it all.


So How Did I Handle It?


Well, I absolutely did not give myself a pep talk to convince myself things were great.


Instead, I went with “Act As If.” If I could finish by June 6, I asked myself, what would I have to do? I made a very, very long list and followed the items in the appropriate order, acting as if I would be able to finish.


Without ever believing it would happen.


That last part is key. I just kept doing what I needed to do, and the heck with my attitude.


Bottom line, I graduated from my master’s program on the exact date I planned. And I did it without EVER believing, even for 5 minutes, that I could do it.


This Works for Weight Loss, Too


In the weight-loss program I ran for many years, I used to tell participants to show up for the workouts in a lousy mood or with a scowl on their faces, to call me names, to hate my guts, whatever. Once upon a time, those negative mood states used to keep them home – not exercising and (probably) using junky foods to deal with the bad mood. But I gave them permission to have a negative attitude and hate the program.


And it worked!


Many of them would say they didn’t want to be there that day but ended up glad they came. More importantly, they got in great shape. They lost impressive amounts of weight. They made huge changes in eating habits, lifestyle, and so on – even while scowling.


Imagine that. Even while scowling.


Sometimes cliches contain truth. Other times, they’re just cliches. Don’t let them get in your way.


When climbing a mountain, give up a thousand times. Just keep your feet moving. Unknown



Nutrition coaching can help you reach your goals faster and more effectively. It works. I can be your expert advisor, accountability partner, “bad cop”, sounding board, and more. It’s easy. Let me help you make the simple shifts that can transform your health, your moods, your weight – and keep you there. Just visit LastResortNutrition.com and grab your free Empower Me Consult. You can get the results you want. Even while scowling!


Brought to you by Dr. Joan Kent, best-selling author of Stronger Than Sugar.