Lessons Learned from Mom, Grandma — and Sugar by Joan Kent, PhD

My mother was critical and judgmental. My grandmother was even more so, and probably where my mother learned to be that way. They turned that stuff on me, sometimes individually, sometimes together.


Out of survival, I learned 2 things.

  • A good offense is the best defense.
  • How to dish it back worse than they ever dreamed of dishing it out to me.


It got them off my back, but I was not at peace. And I wasn’t very likable, either.


In time, I learned that my inner power didn’t lie in that behavior, that I didn’t have to live there.


Changing my “inside” felt comfortable and really good. I felt at peace.


People I tell this to can’t see that old trait in me, so it seems to be gone. Yay!


And Then There Was Sugar


If you’ve read my books or read my posts, you know I’m the World’s Foremost Recovered Sugar Addict!


The 10 lessons I learned from quitting sugar were:


  1. To be disciplined, not casual, about food.
  2. How food was controlling my life: what I could or couldn’t eat each day, fighting cravings and the constant desire for sugar.
  3. To face sugars — even fancy ones — and not lie to myself about them: agave, manuka honey, coconut sugar, maple syrup, fruit juice.
  4. To stop buying the wrong foods, not just tell myself I wouldn’t eat them.
  5. How keeping sugar in my life — small tastes and treats — just kept me wanting it and craving it.
  6. What it feels like to be calm, without constant mood swings or depression.
  7. Compassion for those struggling with their sugar addiction.
  8. What true energy feels like.
  9. How great it feels to wake up without a sugar hangover.
  10. How great it feels not to catch every cold that’s going around.


Not Everyone Needs to Give up Sugar!


I made myself stronger than the mean behavior I learned from my family, and stronger than my sugar addiction. But not everyone’s addicted to sugar.


I love helping my clients — and have decided I should start telling folks exactly how much they’ll benefit inside as they change their eating for the sake of their health, their weight, their moods, and so on. I love seeing clients transform as they improve what they eat. If you’d like to boost your health and energy AND experience the best side of yourself, perfect! That’s what I do.


Just visit LastResortNutrition.com and grab your free Empower Me Consult. Find out how easy it is to make great health, high energy and good moods happen.


Brought to you by Dr. Joan Kent, best-selling author of Stronger Than Sugar:  7 Simple Steps to Defeat Sugar Addiction, Lift Your Mood, and Transform Your Health.


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