Dr. Joan’s Rule 1 for Quitting Sugar by Joan Kent, PhD

Dr. Joan’s Rule #1 for Quitting Sugar is:  Get Your Quitting Mindset On.


My client had been in recovery from alcohol for 20-plus years and now wanted to quit sugar. That’s why she called me. Yet you’ll see, something was missing from her sugar mindset that she has in place with alcohol.


Regarding sugar, my client had hit bottom. She felt disgusted with her behavior around sugar, was fed up with being out of control. She felt embarrassed by weight she couldn’t lose and how unattractive it made her feel. She was angered by her lack of “willpower” and open to a better way.


So she made a decision to get sugar out of her life. Great decision, but it’s not always easy.


She did quit, and also lost 14 pounds. Gym members and other trainers were raving about how great she looked. She was well on her way.


But the holidays were coming up, and she wanted to enjoy her daughter’s extraordinary pie on Thanksgiving. I warned against it, but she was determined to have the pie. And she did.


That triggered backsliding and included a return of cravings, weight, and more. I didn’t ask how it made her feel because her face (even her posture) said it all.


Sadly, this story doesn’t end with a victory. She and I had 2 more appointments before she had to end our nutrition coaching for financial reasons. I understood, of course, but it was a terrible time to go out on her own.


But it does highlight a part of the Quitting Mindset I hope this client has now found.




A promise to herself never to give up. A decision that her recovery from sugar is as important as her recovery from alcohol. A promise that she’ll keep doing what made her successful in the first place … until she absolutely knows with confidence that she can stay away from sugar as successfully as she has stayed away from alcohol for 20 years.


Your Mindset Tip


You’ll have cravings, and they’ll make you sway in your decision. You’ll see temptations everywhere. They may cause you to backslide. Don’t give up!




Immediately go back to doing what was working. Learn the lesson and get back on it!


Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. – Henry Ford


If you’d like help with quitting sugar from a pro who has been there herself, perfect! That’s who I am and what I do. Just visit www.LastResortNutrition.com and grab your free Empowered Eating Consult.  Discover how simple it is to shift a few things that make quitting sugar easy. You got this!


Brought to you by Dr. Joan Kent, best-selling author of Stronger Than Sugar:  7 Simple Steps to Defeat Sugar Addiction, Lift Your Mood, and Transform Your Health.