Cravings Will Get Ya If You Don’t Watch Out by Joan Kent, PhD

Many healthful food plans have been derailed by food cravings.


The holidays are almost here, and with so many sugary foods around, it’s not unusual to experience cravings for them. There are many reasons for that.


Conquering sugar cravings is a key to sticking with your healthful food plan and reaching your health goals.


Understanding cravings and why you get them is a key part of conquering them. Having a solid and effective plan for eliminating them is the most important part.


A few years ago, the Diabetes Council asked me to write an article on how to handle sugar cravings and recover from sugar addiction. You can check it out here:


The article is a bit on the long side. That’s what they asked for, so it does cover the topic pretty thoroughly. If you’ve never understood why you get cravings and have never known what to do about them — let’s face it, some of the available advice is kinda lame — you may find this article of value.


If it gets you to stop eating sugar — and more importantly, to stop craving it in the first place — I’ll feel I’ve been helpful this holiday season.


Give it a read and let me know what you think:


If you feel you need more specific help with cravings and quitting sugar, that’s what I do. Just visit and grab your free Craving Crusher Consult. Find out how easy, simple changes can produce big results. You got this!


Thanks, and Happy Holiday Season.


Brought to you by Dr. Joan Kent, best-selling author of Stronger Than Sugar.