Too Stressed to Sleep Well? Try This! by Joan Kent, PhD

Sleep disruptions affect us in many ways — our energy, of course, and also our mood, appetite, and food cravings.


My next few posts will explore different types of sleep disruptions, how specific foods and beverages can trigger them, and what you can do to restore restful sleep.


Let’s Start with Sleep Quality


Poor sleep quality may result from a number of things, and what we eat or drink can play a big role.


One significant factor is alcohol before bed. Alcohol is a go-to sleep aid for some people. Yet it diminishes the quality of sleep because it affects brain waves.


In sleep, the most restorative brain waves are the deeper ones:  theta and delta. When we drink alcohol before bed, though, we never get into those theta and delta waves.


Instead, we stay in lighter stages of sleep — alpha waves — till the alcohol is fully metabolized.


Alpha waves are certainly not bad. In fact, when we meditate, our brain waves change to alpha. But alpha waves not deep enough for truly restorative sleep.


Women, this is particularly true for us. Women take longer to metabolize alcohol than men do, due to smaller body size and lighter weight. That means any alcohol before bed can affect us for a longer time.


To Learn More


Later this week, I’ll be suggesting specific strategies for better sleep. For now, it would be a good idea to avoid alcohol before bed. Easier said than done these days, maybe, but your sleep is worth it!


For food tips that help with sleep, health or moods, just visit and grab your free Empower Me Consult. Find out how a few simple tweaks can make big improvements in how you feel.


Brought to you by Dr. Joan Kent, best-selling author of Stronger Than Sugar:  7 Simple Steps to Defeat Sugar Addiction, Lift Your Mood, and Transform Your Health.