Some Smart Strategies for Stopping a Binge by Joan Kent, PhD

A part of us often knows when a binge-eating episode will begin. If binge eating is a problem for you, you might prepare for the next binge by following this plan.


Keep these supplies on hand. Make sure you don’t run out of them.

  • Liquid B-complex vitamins — all the B vitamins, not just B12
  • Plenty of water
  • Protein foods  — Use real protein (chicken, beef, fish, shrimp, cottage cheese, crab, etc.)  …OR
  • Protein powder  —  If you’re vegan, use protein made from peas, hemp, brown rice, sacha inchi, or            vegetables
  • A notebook
  • A pen


Here’s the process:


  1. When you feel a binge coming on, give yourself permission to binge.


  1. Take a spoonful of B-complex.


  1. Drink 1 or 2 large glasses of water.


  1. Eat a full portion of protein (or mix a serving of protein powder with water and drink it).


  1. Grab your notebook and your pen.


  1. Write down absolutely everything you eat, every single bite — including the protein you just had. No one ever has to see the list, so don’t lie, don’t leave out anything. Keep writing down every bite you take.


Writing down your food will make your behavior conscious, which itself is a big part of regaining control. It can slow you down or even stop you in the middle of the binge.


As a service, I recently joined an online group of binge eaters and food addicts. In the group, I’ve been posting the process above and making other recommendations, whenever someone appears to have a problem that might benefit from my information. The feedback has been good. FWIW, these ideas are different from most of those offered by others in the group.


My ideas on food and eating can help you, whether you binge or not. I invite you to visit and grab your free copy of “Stop Bingeing Now! 3 Simple Steps.” It’s on me.


Brought to you by Dr. Joan Kent, best-selling author of Stronger Than Sugar.