Please Help Me? Please Don’t Help Me? by Joan Kent, PhD

As a nutritionist, I’m asked for nutrition advice all the time. My clients pay me for it, of course. Other people just want free advice. I’ve been approached in locker rooms (while everyone around us listens in so they can benefit, as well), before meetings, at parties … actually, anywhere people gather.


I don’t necessarily appreciate the many bids for free information. A great deal of my time and money has gone into gaining the info I have. It seems to be of value to these folks, yet they expect it free. What’s up with that?


Yes, I definitely want to help. Helping people has always been important to me — even more than getting paid for what I know. But I confess that I often feel taken advantage of by friends, acquaintances, even strangers.


I’ve learned to give less-than-complete answers — enough to start people on the right track so they can figure out the rest. I say I’m available if they have additional questions.


The Flip Side of My Food “Popularity”


You might think everyone’s jumping on the Dr. Joan Food Train. But you’d be wrong.


Say someone’s having a problem. She/he describes it to me. I listen carefully and realize I can help by suggesting a course of action that’s time-tested and proven.


I offer my suggestions. And they’re dismissed, rejected, belittled, even laughed at by the Person with the Problem.


Apparently, being preyed upon over the years for so much nutrition information has given me an overblown view of my value as a coach. I’ve developed a misguided notion that people want my advice.


But when it comes to unsolicited advice, nobody wants it. What a valuable lesson!


I’ve learned to listen and offer support and encouragement. Mostly, I’ve learned to keep my opinions to myself. Until asked.


Please don’t think I’m opposed to sharing valuable information! In fact, I’d love to gift you one of my favorite checklists:  10 Things to Ask a Nutritionist Before Hiring. It’s on me. Just email me at, and I’ll be happy to send it to you.


Brought to you by Dr. Joan Kent, best-selling author of Stronger Than Sugar:  7 Simple Steps to Defeat Sugar Addiction, Lift Your Mood, and Transform Your Health.