The Frightening Rise of Corn Sugar by Joan Kent, PhD

The Frightening Rise of Corn Sugar

by Joan Kent, PhD

The sugar industry has powered its way through Washington as one of the most imposing lobbies, ever since the 1980s.

You may have read recently that sugar is under attack, specifically the industry’s substantial federal subsidies.

That might seem like good news, but the primary leader of the attacks is the Corn Refiners Association.

These days, everyone knows sugar’s bad stuff. This ‘new’ news is actually old news. As covered in a previous post, the original studies on the evils of sugar date back to the 1970s. That was before the sugar lobby gained its stronghold.

Once the sugar industry came into power, all nutritional hell broke loose. Fat became Dietary Enemy #1 – sadly, the fitness industry was all over that viewpoint – and US obesity became epidemic.

It took a couple of decades for the pendulum to swing back to sugar. Yes, it’s about time.

But the worst news about the attack on sugar industry subsidies might have to do with what’s coming as a result. Logic tells us that, if the sugar industry loses its subsidies, sugar prices will skyrocket. In a perfect world, that might reduce sugar consumption, not unlike the decrease in smoking that followed sky-high cigarette prices.

The real, and unfortunately more realistic, nutrition danger is that demand for sweet foods won’t decrease.

What Might Happen Then?

One possibility is nothing will change. Hardcore sugar fans will simply pay the higher prices and keep eating their favorite desserts.

The other is that a cheaper alternative will be offered and devoured – exactly what the corn refiners must be plotting.

What will happen if high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) replaces sugar?

Much bad stuff has been written about HFCS – and it sparked controversy. Of course, the pro-HFCS side came from the Corn Refiners Association, so we can obviously ignore that completely as a highly vested interest.

Let’s simply skip over the looming shift in power in Washington and stick with food – assuming sugar in any of its forms could be considered food.

What Does The Science Show Us?

Studies comparing fructose to glucose have measured the response of the hypothalamus to the two sugars. The hypothalamus helps regulate signals of hunger and satiety, as well as reward and motivation.

In comparison tests, subjects consumed either a fructose-sweetened beverage or one sweetened by glucose. Within 15 minutes, test results showed substantial differences in the activity of the hypothalamus. Glucose reduced activity in the feeding center of the hypothalamus, but fructose prompted a small increase.

The glucose drink also increased the participants’ feelings of fullness, which suggests they’d be less likely to keep eating after having something sweetened with glucose. That might relate to its effect on insulin. Insulin plays a role in fullness and reducing food reward.

Fructose is metabolized differently by the body and triggers less insulin secretion than glucose does.

Unlike glucose, fructose also fails to reduce circulating ghrelin, a monster hormone that increases appetite and food intake, while decreasing metabolism.

Sugar contains equal parts fructose and glucose. HFCS contains more fructose. All — yes, all — research shows that fructose is the health troublemaker, not glucose.

Implications For Future Fructose Use

Obesity is epidemic and associated metabolic disorders (diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and more) are on the rise now, largely because of sugar.

Imagine how bad things will get if sugar is replaced by HFCS.

James Davis, of the Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, said his group opposes special breaks for sugar and corn growers alike.

Davis said, “We’re not real interested in climbing in bed with the corn lobby to accuse the sugar industry of being prostitutes. We oppose all forms of corporate welfare.”

That’s a politician’s statement for sure, and this post will stay away from the politics of this issue.

And I’m certainly NOT pushing sugar over HFCS.

But wouldn’t it have been astounding if Davis’s second sentence above had been, “We oppose all forms of sugar”??

If you’d like help with nutrition, don’t hesitate to call on me. I would love to help you get back on track, whatever your food issue may be. Just visit and grab your free Empowered Eating Consult. Find out how just a few easy tweaks can change your relationship with food!

Brought to you by Dr. Joan Kent, best selling author of Stronger Than Sugar:  7 Simple Steps to Defeat Sugar Addiction, Lift Your Mood, and Transform Your Health.