3 Words for Survival: Never Give Up! by Joan Kent, PhD

You know how people try to give up junky foods, only to get tempted at parties, on special occasions, or during the holidays?


Well, what I do is help clients overcome their addiction to junky foods and learn to use special occasions for people and FUN.


When I started working with Sandra, she had diabetes and dangerously high blood pressure. She was on meds for both and had been for many years.


One major change for her was getting on a solid workout program. Another big change was learning what to eat and how to put her meals together.


As Sandra stayed with the program, her blood pressure and her weight started to drop. One week, though, she was stuck. Her weight wasn’t moving.


It turned out that Sandra was eating dried dates – many, many of them every day – because she had bought 2 giant containers of them at Costco. She was a small woman, so her weight was easily affected.


When I suggested she get rid of the dates, she told me, “They’ll be gone soon.” Yikes!


Your Junk Food Tip:  Learn to throw away food! And learn what’s not food for you!


This country produces 3950 calories a day for every man, woman and child. Really. Under these circumstances, throwing away food is NOT a sin.


It’s survival.


No matter what you may have been told as a child, food that sabotages you isn’t food. It’s junk. Trash. Trouble. Definitely stuff you shouldn’t eat.


“Just because there are alternatives doesn’t mean they apply to you.” – Rick Yancey


The good news is Sandra did toss out the dates instead of finishing them. And her weight began dropping again.


Even better news:  she regained her health.  Her doctor took her off the meds for diabetes and blood pressure because everything was now normal. And she lost 55 pounds.


Best of all, Sandra now knows that dried fruits like dates and other temptations are not food. She knows how to navigate the holiday season (and other special occasions) by focusing on party fun – without resorting to eating the treats that are absolutely everywhere. How fantastic is that?!


If you’d like help from a pro who has hit bottom and now truly sees sugar as Not Food, perfect! That’s who I am and what I do. Just visit www.LastResortNutrition.com and grab your free Empowered Eating Consult. Discover how easy it is to make a few tweaks that change your appetite, boost your health, and move you away from junky foods painlessly. You got this!


Brought to you by Dr. Joan Kent, best-selling author of Stronger Than Sugar:  7 Simple Steps to Defeat Sugar Addiction, Lift Your Mood, and Transform Your Health.