3 Disastrous Sugar-Quitting Mistakes & What to Do Instead by Joan Kent, PhD

Disastrous Sugar-Quitting Mistake #1:  Believing that getting rid of sugar is impossible


People always claim it’s impossible to get rid of sugar because sugar’s in so many things. Guess what? I read that stuff, too, but I don’t believe it. In fact, I know it’s not so:  too many of my clients have done it.


What to Do Instead:  Don’t quit sugar. Just start eating more protein. Have protein with everything you eat – and eat it first.


Disastrous Sugar-Quitting Mistake #2:  Perfectionism


Lots of folks get stuck on this. They believe it’s all or nothing. But there will be cravings, holiday treats, birthdays, office parties. Special celebrations will call to you.


What to Do Instead:  Just know you’ll make mistakes and have slip-ups. Let yourself be okay with them and keep moving forward. Eat extra protein to get you through the rough spots and stay strong. Don’t give up!


Disastrous Sugar-Quitting Mistake #3:  Not linking your health problems with sugar


Headaches? Sore throats? Colds? Acne? Waking in the middle of the night? You may never realize how fantastic you can feel if you’re always eating sugar.


What to Do Instead: Get honest with yourself. Stop settling for fatigue or poor health just because it’s always been that way. Decide to feel great because you deserve it, and act on it!


Bonus Tip:  Craft a unique food plan that works for you

Take your work schedule, your days off, your likes and dislikes into account. Never eat food you hate!


Easier said than done, you say? Just visit LastResortNutrition.com and grab your free Help Me Crush Sugar Consult. Discover how easy it is to get over sugar … and how well that works for your health, your moods, your peace of mind. Yes, you can do this!


Brought to you by Dr. Joan Kent, best-selling author of Stronger Than Sugar:  7 Simple Steps to Defeat Sugar Addiction, Lift Your Mood, and Transform Your Health.