3 Big, Fat Lies About Sugar Cravings by Joan Kent, PhD

We hear these lies all the time, but they still flabbergast me. Let’s look at them – and at the truths that will work.


  1. Cravings are emotional.


Many “authorities” look at cravings in this way. In fact, I worked for a weight-loss company that actually taught its clients that we eat for 2 reasons:  either we’re physically hungry, or we’re emotionally craving.


The brain chemical reasons for food cravings – the ones I consider the Real Reasons for cravings – were never even mentioned or considered.


  • Here’s a truth that will work.


Next time you have a craving, take a spoonful of liquid vitamin B-complex (ALL the B vitamins, not just 1 or 2). Wait a few minutes for it to take effect. [Important:  Check with your doctor to be sure it’s okay for you to take B vitamins.]


From there, with your cravings gone, feel free to analyze your emotions over and over (and over) till you’ve had enough of that. The important thing is your cravings will be gone while you’re doing it.


For what it’s worth, liquid B-complex works by changing brain chem. Interestingly, your emotions can and will often change with that neurochemical shift.


  1. Sugar cravings can be fixed by eating “healthy” sugars.


Yes, cravings will go away if you eat those foods. After all, they’re sugar, so they’ll take away your sugar cravings.


What no one seems to mention is that, at best, this is a quick fix. It will work for a short time, after which the cravings will return. When they return, they’ll probably be even stronger than before.


And the power of the cravings may grow every time you try this.


  • Here’s a truth that will work.


Next time you have a sugar craving, avoid eating sugar. Instead, have some fat – especially saturated fat (cheese, coconut oil, butter on a cracker) – to get rid of the craving. It works.


  1. Sugar cravings never really go away.


This is the biggest, fattest lie of all.  Cravings absolutely do and will go away if you handle them the right way.


Big Fat Lie #2 above is a perfect example of the wrong way. It does nothing but perpetuate cravings. Those who recommend it should be publicly shamed. Or worse.


  • Here’s a truth that will work.


To eliminate cravings permanently, you need to change your diet and be consistent with it.


This is best done individually and may take some help. If you’d like help, perfect! That’s what I do. Just visit LastResortNutrition and grab your free Craving Crusher Consult. Discover how easy it is to make a few tweaks that will free you from those pesky cravings once and for all.


Brought to you by Dr. Joan Kent, best-selling author of Stronger Than Sugar.